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Information on Breast Augmentation with implant

Size selection of breast implant

 It is important to discuss your goals with a board-certified plastic surgeon who specializes in breast implant surgery to discuss your goals and expectations. 

At WIH Hospital, our surgeons can provide valuable insights based on their experience, and here are some considerations to help you make an informed decision during consultation.


  1. Personal Preferences:

Consider your personal preferences regarding the final look. Some individuals prefer a more subtle enhancement, while others may desire a more noticeable change.

If you lead an active lifestyle, you may prefer a size that allows for comfortable movement and doesn’t hinder physical activities.


  1. Breast Measurements:

Our surgeons will take precise measurements of your breasts, including width and height, to recommend implants that match your anatomy. Breast sizers are routinely used to allow you to visualize how different sizes will look on your body.


  1. Cleavage:

Breast cleavage refers to the space between a person’s breasts, typically at the center of the chest. Achieving the desired cleavage can be influenced by factors such as breast size, shape, and the positioning of breast implants.

Larger implants will enhance cleavage, but it’s important to choose a size that complements your body proportions and provides a natural look.


4. Body Proportions:

The goal is to achieve a balanced and natural look with your overall body proportions. Implants that are too large for your frame may look disproportionate.


What causes breast implant feels the most natural?


  1. Breast implant shell


Breast implant shells are smooth or textured. Smooth shells are thinner than textured shells, so they feel more natural than textured shells.


While the Mentor implants offer the traditional smooth surface, the Motiva implants offer an advanced smooth surface called SilkSurface.


Traditional smooth implants have a reduced risk of chronic inflammatory conditions (such as BIA-ALCL) but an increased risk of capsular contracture (thick fibrous capsule forms around the implant). In contrast, SmoothSilk®/SilkSurface® comes with minimal risk of both.


  1. Placement of breast implant


Suppose you have small to moderate breast tissue before implantation. In that case, the submuscular placement (the implants are placed beneath the pectoral muscle) will provide a better natural look and feel than the subglandular placement (the implants are placed above the pectoral muscle, directly behind the breast tissue).


  1. Capsule around the implant


A thin and pliable capsule around the implant provides a natural feeling and movement of the implants.

The capsular contracture (thick capsule tightens around the implant) causes unnatural feelings and breast appearance, and this complication can be significantly reduced by a correct technique of breast massage after implantation.