FTM Mastectomy WIH International Hospital

Feminizing Rhinoplasty (Nose Reshaping Surgery)

What is Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty, commonly referred to as nose surgery, is a personalized surgical procedure that involves a comprehensive evaluation of the nasal structure, including the bones and cartilage. At our hospital, Dr. Chettawut specializes in feminizing rhinoplasty, aiming to achieve natural-looking results with significant improvements.

Evaluation and Planning

Before the procedure, a thorough assessment of the nasal structures is conducted, along with an analysis of how the nose relates to the overall facial framework. Patients often express concerns regarding the size of the nasal hump (bridge) and the shape of the nasal tip. Understanding these factors is crucial in tailoring the surgery to meet each patient’s unique needs.

Feminizing Rhinoplasty Technique

Dr. Chettawut typically employs the open rhinoplasty technique, which offers enhanced visibility and access compared to the closed technique. This approach allows for the reduction of the nasal bridge’s height and the base of the nasal bone, resulting in a smaller nose with a gentle concave profile. The surgery also incorporates tip-plasty, which involves reshaping the lower cartilage to create a slight upturn and refine the size of the nose tip.

Procedure Steps

  1. Skeletonization: Exposing the underlying nasal structure of bone and cartilage by carefully lifting the overlying skin.
  2. Osteotomies: This step reduces the nasal hump and corrects a twisted nose. If the nasal bridge is wide, the bone may be fractured on both sides and repositioned closer to the center.
  3. Refining the Tip: This involves removing a portion of the tip cartilage to achieve a more refined or narrowed nasal tip.
  4. Alarplasty: Often performed alongside rhinoplasty, this procedure narrows the base of the nose and flared nostrils by excising a small wedge of tissue. Alarplasty can be done as a standalone procedure or in conjunction with rhinoplasty.

Anesthesia for Your Rhinoplasty

Given the nature of the surgery, which often includes bone reshaping and narrowing, Dr. Chettawut prefers to use general anesthesia. This ensures that patients remain fully asleep and comfortable throughout the procedure.

After Your Surgery

Postoperatively, a splint (cast) is usually applied to the nose to maintain its new shape. Nasal packing may be placed inside the nostrils to stabilize the modified bone and cartilage structure. These nasal packs are typically removed on the second day following the surgery, allowing for an easier recovery process.